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Three Crucial Things New Homeowners Need to Know About Fire Extinguishers

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If you are a new homeowner, a fire extinguisher is an invaluable tool. However, having one does not always cut it because you need to prepare to use it when a fire erupts in your home. Even though you may have some basic knowledge about a fire extinguisher, anxiety and panic during a fire episode can complicate things. The little details, regarding a fire extinguisher, matter as opposed to the general knowledge that you possess. Do you know the ideal fire extinguisher for your home? Do you dispose or recharge it? How do you maintain the equipment? Here are a few answers to these pertinent questions regarding residential fire extinguishers.

Choice of Fire Extinguisher -- Just like any other job, you need to have proper tools and equipment for a particular fire. Residential fire extinguishers can be categorized as A, B, and C. Category A is for fire extinguishers that put out fire from normal combustibles such as trash, wood, paper, and plastic. However, if you use solvents and paints, oils and grease in your home, you would better add a category B fire extinguisher to take care of fires from these flammable liquids. This type of fire extinguisher is a must-have in the kitchen. Lastly, faulty electrical equipment, circuit breakers, and appliances can also cause electrical fires. Use category C equipment for this type of fire. Bear in mind all these factors when choosing the right type of fire extinguisher.  

Regular Inspection and Maintenance – A good rule of thumb is to inspect the equipment at least once a month. When you have kids around the house, always ensure that the tamper seal and pin of the extinguisher are not compromised.  Check for signs of leaks, wear and tear, chemical deposits, and rust. If you have a dry chemical extinguisher, it is recommended that you shake it once a month to prevent the settling of the powder.  If you detect any fault, call a profession to service the equipment. The expert can also advise you to either dispose or recharge the extinguisher when the pressure gauge hits the red mark.

Rechargeable or Disposable Models -- If you prefer a cheap equipment, then go for a disposable fire extinguisher with plastic valves. For this model, once you pull the pin, you cannot reuse the fire extinguisher. As for the rechargeable model, once the content is discharged, you will need to refill it. The latter model is expensive, but if you are an environmentally-conscious  person, it will be worth every penny because you will not be disposing an empty canister in the landfill.  

For more information, contact companies like The Fire Protection Specialist Company Pty Ltd. 
